James Bond Wiki
James Bond Wiki
James Bond Wiki
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Consuelo is the fictional secretary to the Isthmian bank manager, Montelongo. A minor character portrayed by Mexican beauty queen and actress, Cynthia Fallon, she first appeared in the 1989 James Bond film, Licence to Kill, and was fleshed out in John Gardner's accompanying novelisation, spelled Consuela.[1]


Consuelo was the secretary of Montelongo in the biggest bank of Isthmus, Banco de Isthmus, owned and operated by drug lord Franz Sanchez. When James Bond arrives to make a "small deposit" in the bank (in reality, almost $5 million), she helped her patron count his money.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Gardner, John [1989]. in Orion: Licence to Kill (in English). Kent: Coronet. ISBN 1409135764. 
