James Bond Wiki
James Bond Wiki
Cinematic Tag

The Crocodile Submersible is a submersible vehicle disguised as a crocodile.


Octopussy (film)[]

In order to approach Octopussy's floating palace undetected, James Bond had used the Crocodile Submersible to float there without drawing attention. Having spent the night with Octopussy, Bond was forced to make his escape from the palace when he was attacked by the Yo-yo Thug and other mercenaries. During the fight, Bond and the Thug fell through the window and into the river, where the Thug was killed and eaten by a crocodile, while Bond was able to escape by getting back into his submersible. Bond then got back to the shore, where he found Q examining the body of Vijay, who had been murdered with the Yo-yo saw just before Bond was attacked as well.

Die Another Day (film)[]

The Crocodile Submersible was kept in the Vauxhall Cross Tube Station base, where James Bond would walk past it, while being shown his new equipment by Q. Bond noted that this was there the relics of his past missions were kept, including the Bell Rocket Belt and Dagger Shoes, as well as the Crocodile Submersible.


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Behind the Scenes[]

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Crocodile Submersible/Gallery

