- "What, no small talk? No chit-chat? That's the trouble with the world today, no-one takes the time to do a really sinister interrogation anymore."
- ― James Bond
Commander James Bond is a Senior Operational Officer of the Double-O Section, an ultra-covert Black Ops unit within the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6). As an agent of MI6, Bond holds cryptonym "007". The '00' prefix indicates his discretionary licence to kill in the performance of his duties. He was invented and developed by British author and former naval intelligence officier Ian Fleming.
Irish actor Pierce Brosnan held the role from 1995 to 2004. The character was also doubled by stuntmen Wayne Michaels, Jacques Malnuit, and BJ Worth.[4] He appeared in GoldenEye (1995), Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), The World Is Not Enough (1999) and Die Another Day (2002). In addition Brosnan also provided his likeness for six James Bond video games, starting with Rareware's 1997 blockbuster GoldenEye 007. Although he didn't voice the character until Everything or Nothing, his last appearance as 007, several actors have lent their voices to Brosnan's Bond, including an unidentified actor in Tomorrow Never Dies (1999), Timothy Bentinck in The World Is Not Enough (2000)[5] and later Maxwell Caulfield in Nightfire (2002).
Although very little of James Bond's past is directly addressed in Pierce Brosnan's films, it is assumed that his iteration of Bond continues to share the common background laid out by Ian Fleming novels and preceding Bond films.
- "We're both orphans, James. But where your parents had the luxury of dying in a climbing accident, mine survived the British betrayal and Stalin's execution squads."
- ― Alec Trevelyan
Not much is known about Bond's background, but as revealed in GoldenEye, Bond's parents (Andrew Bond & Monique Delacroix) died during a climb accident, presumably leaving him an orphan. He would then join the Royal Navy, managing to reach the rank of Commander and receiving the Order of the British Empire, Distinguished Service Cross, General Service Medal, United Nations Medal, and South Atlantic Medal. This implies that Bond served during the Falklands War in the 1980s, but would presumably leave or be transferred to MI6.
At the agency, Bond became one of their top spies and was given the title of "007", serving under "M" to stop terrorist threats against England and other countries. He also became friends with fellow 00 agent, Alec Trevelyan, 006, and the two developed a close bond and completed missions together.
- "I think you're a sexist, misogynist dinosaur, a relic of the Cold War."
- ― M to James Bond.

Bond and Trevelyan in the facility.
In 1986, Bond is paired with Agent 006, and the two are tasked with destroying the Arkhangelsk chemical weapons facility. In the course of the mission, the two plant explosive charges into the main chamber of the facility but are surrounded by Soviet Colonel Arkady Ourumov and his men and Trevelyan is supposedly taken prisoner at gunpoint. Under the pretence of allowing Bond to surrender, Ourumov gives him ten seconds to come out. On reaching one, Alec is shot in the head. 007 manages to escape and succeeds in destroying the facility by setting limpet mines with a three minute fuse.
Nine years later, Bond gets into a car chase with a young woman in Monte Carlo. He later meets her at a casino, his suspicions raised by her taste for expensive vehicles (with fake number plates) and her suspicious relationship with Canadian Navy admiral, Chuck Farrel. Suspecting her, he places her under surveillance, and runs a background check of her via MI6, learning that she is an operative of criminal organisation Janus. 007 later witnesses the theft of a prototype Eurocopter Tiger helicopter that can withstand an electromagnetic pulse by Onatopp and an unidentified accomplice, presumably Ourumov. Janus then uses the helicopter to steal the control disk for the dual GoldenEye satellite weapons, using the GoldenEye to destroy the complex with an electromagnetic pulse; there is one survivor of the attack, a programmer, Natalya Simonova.

Bond being attacked by Onatopp.
M sends Bond to investigate the theft of the GoldenEye and the British spy travels to St. Petersburg, Russia in search of the culprits. To find Janus, Bond meets mafia head and ex-KGB officer Valentin Zukovsky. Although not aware of Janus' identity, Zukovsky reveals to 007 that Janus is a Cossack of Lienz. Through his criminal ties, the gangster arranges a meeting for Bond at the Grand Hotel Europe in St. Petersburg. Janus sends Onatopp to dispose of the spy but Bond manages to overpower the sadomasochist assassin and forces her to bring him to Janus at a memorial park. As Bond walks through the relics of the collapsed Soviet Union, he is approached by Janus, who reveals himself to be Alec Trevelyan. The latter explains his motivations and casually mentions that he initially wanted to ask for Bond to join him, but deep down he knew that the British agent would be loyal to his country and not to his friend. Furious and disappointed, Bond attempts to shoot Alec; but is tranquilized before he can pull the trigger. 007 and Natalya Simonova are bound and placed in a stolen helicopter rigged to destroy itself. Bond is able to eject both of them out of the helicopter before it explodes.
Bond and Simonova are soon taken into custody by Russian soldiers. After attempting to frame Bond for the murder of the Russian Defense Minister Dmitri Mishkin, Ourumov kidnaps Simonova and attempts to rendezvous at Trevelyan's armored train. Although pursued by 007 in a T-55 tank, Ourumov brings her aboard and the train departs. After derailing the train, Bond holds Trevelyan at gunpoint and the criminal mastermind has Ourumov bring Simonova to the cabin as a bargaining chip. Bond tries to drive a wedge between Alec and Ourumov by revealing his associate's Cossack heritage. Ourumov's hesitation allows Bond to gain the upper hand; he shoots the General to his death, while Trevelyan and Onatopp flee from the carriage and lock all doors. As the villains escape by helicopter, they set the carriage to self-destruct with an ironic three-minute fuse.
Before escaping the train, Bond and Simonova track Trevelyan to a hidden satellite control center in the jungles of Cuba. While searching for GoldenEye's satellite dish, the pair are shot down and crash land in the Cuban jungle. Onatopp rappels down from a helicopter to search for survivors and attacks Bond, who manages to kill the henchwoman by crushing her to death with a tree which resulted in avenging the deaths of Anna Nishkov and all of Natalya's friends. Infiltrating the control facility, Bond and Simonova separate; with Bond attempting to plant explosives while Simonova hacks the GoldenEye's guidance systems. Shortly after completing their objectives they are captured and brought to Trevelyan, who reveals his plan to steal money from the Bank of England before erasing all of its financial records with the GoldenEye, concealing the theft and destroying Britain's economy. After detonating an Explosive Pen, destroying part of the control room, Bond and Simonova escape. Bond then destroys the satellite control dish and kills Trevelyan after a long battle.
Tomorrow Never Dies[]
- "You forgot the first rule of mass media, Elliot! Give the people what they want!"
- ― James Bond to Elliot Carver
Several years later[6], Bond remotely broadcasts footage of a terrorist arms bazaar somewhere on the Russian border. When the impatient Admiral Roebuck orders a cruise missile strike on the position, 007 reveals that one of the terrorist aircraft is equipped with a Soviet SB-5 nuclear torpedo and is forced to steal the plane - along with its deadly cargo - and narrowly escapes.
M later sends Bond on a mission to investigate the sinking of a British warship in the South China Sea, the mysterious theft of one of the ship's cruise missiles and the subsequent shooting down of a Chinese fighter plane. The spy is sent in Hamburg in order to "pump information" from his old flame, Paris Carver, now married to suspicious media mogul, Elliot Carver. Posing as a banker, Bond meets Carver and his associates during a party celebrating the launch of a new CMGN satellite at Carver's Hamburg media center. However, sensing that the agent means trouble, Carver uses a pretext to leave him and tells his right-hand man, Stamper, to take care of him. Many henchmen are sent to brutally beat 007, but are soon outwitted by him, and the spy later interrupts Carver's speech by switching off the electricity. After made love with Paris, Bond infiltrates Carver's printing company while Paris is killed by Dr. Kaufman, Carver's personal assassin. Holding Bond at gunpoint when he returns to his hotel, Kaufman reveals that he was assigned to make the deaths look like a murder-suicide; Bond killing Paris and then himself but 007 is able to turn the tables on Kaufman and kill him before escaping Carver's henchmen with a GPS encoder obtained by terrorist Henry Gupta at the terrorist arms bazaar.

Bond and Wai Lin in Vietnam.
Bond encounters his Chinese counterpart Wai Lin in Vietnam, who is also investigating the matter. The two believe they have been ordered to kill each other, but they are both captured by Carver's henchmen led by Stamper and taken to Carver at a CMGN tower in Saigon where they meet the media mogul's Chinese associate, General Chang. Carver prepares to have Bond and Wai Lin tortured by Stamper but they manage to escape and subsequently agree to collaborate on the investigation. With the British fleet on their way to China, the pair find Carver's stealth ship in Ha Long Bay and board it to arrest Carver and his cohorts. They discover that the villain had used the GPS encoder to push the British ship off course and into Chinese waters in order to incite a war for ratings and acquire full broadcasting rights in China and that Chang would be placed in the top seat within the Chinese government, while Carver would capitalize upon the coverage of the ensuing conflict. 007 breaches the vessel's hull with an improvised explosive device, exposing it to radar of another British warship, who opens fire on the fleeing craft with its 4.5 inch naval gun. After killing Carver by shredded him with Sea-Vac Drill, Bond fights Stamper and completely destroys the stealth ship by sabotaging the stole cruise missile that Carver wanted to fire at Beijing to destroy the current Chinese government, averting war between Britain and China.
The World Is Not Enough[]
- "I usually hate killing an unarmed man, cold blooded murder is a filthy business... but in your case, I feel nothing. Just like you."
- ― A furious Bond prepares to execute Renard.
In November 1999[7], M sends Bond in Bilbao, Spain, to recover money for Sir Robert King, a British oil tycoon and old friend of M, but the money is booby-trapped and kills King shortly afterwards. 007 pursues the assassin in a prototype Q-boat along the Thames but the terrorist commits suicide. Bond later traces the money to Renard, an ex KGB agent-turned-anarchist, who had previously kidnapped King's daughter Elektra. MI6 believes that Renard is targeting Elektra King a second time and Bond is assigned to protect her: although Elektra does not think she is in danger, the pair are subsequently attacked in Azerbaijan.

Bond meets with Elektra and Zukovsky at the casino.
Bond visits Valentin Zukovsky at the businessman's casino and is informed that Elektra's head of security, Sasha Davidov, is in league with Renard: the British spy kills Davidov and follows the trail to a Russian ICBM base in Kazakhstan. Posing as a Russian nuclear scientist, Bond meets American nuclear physicist Christmas Jones. The two witness Renard stealing the GPS locator card and a half quantity of weapons-grade plutonium from a bomb and set off an explosion, from which Bond and Jones escape. Elektra kidnaps M after she thinks Bond had been killed and 007 establishes that Elektra intends to create a nuclear explosion in a submarine in Istanbul in order to increase the value of her own oil pipeline. Bond and Jones are later captured by Elektra's henchmen and are escorted to their base of operations in the Maiden's Tower at the southern entrance of the Bosphorus strait. While Jones is taken aboard the submarine, Elektra tortures Bond in an Antique Torture Chair but Zukovsky leads an assault on the tower, allowing Bond to free himself before being killed by Elektra, having used his Walking Stick Rifle to free Bond from the chair. After freeing M, 007 coldly kills Elektra for her refusal to call off her plot. He then sneaks into the submarine, frees Jones before finally finishing off Renard by impaling him with a Plutonium Rod.

Bond and Jones celebrate the New Year.
Bond and Jones are subsequently shown celebrating Christmas in Turkey, culminating in a romantic liaison that is unintentionally spied on by MI6 using a new body sensor designed by R, who soon turns it off, lying to M by saying it is an error likely caused by a premature form of the "Millennium Bug" said to occur in 2000.
Die Another Day[]
- Miranda Frost: "This is crazy. You're a double O."
- James Bond: "It's only a number..."
- ―James Bond and Miranda Frost[src]
Bond investigates North Korean Colonel Tan-Sun Moon, who is illegally trading African conflict diamonds for weaponry. Moon is apparently killed but Bond is betrayed by an MI6 mole and is captured by the North Korean army and tortured for 14 months. Circa March 2002,[8][9] he is exchanged for Zao, Moon's right-hand man. Despite being suspended on his return (M believes he had cracked under torture and was haemorrhaging information), Bond decides to complete his mission and tracks Zao to a gene therapy clinic in Cuba, where patients can have their appearances altered through DNA restructuring. He also crosses paths with NSA agent Jinx, on her own hunt for the arms dealer. Zao escapes, but Bond acquires a diamond leading back to British billionaire Gustav Graves.

Bond with Miranda Frost.
In Iceland, Graves unveils a mirror satellite, "Icarus", which is able to focus solar energy on a small area and provide year-round sunshine for crop development. Bond discovers Moon has also undergone the gene therapy and has assumed the identity of Graves and identifies MI6 mole as Miranda Frost, an agent assigned by M to investigate Graves. With help from Jinx, Bond then exposes Moon's plan: to use the Icarus to cut a path through the Korean Demilitarized Zone with a concentrated solar-powered laser, allowing North Korean troops to invade South Korea unopposed and reunite the peninsula under communism. Bond disables the Icarus controls, kills Moon and stops the invasion while Frost is killed by Jinx.
Awards and Decorations[]
- Distinguished Service Cross: Awarded for gallantry during active operations against the enemy at sea.
- General Service Medal: Awarded for serving in minor campaigns.
- NATO Former Republic of Yugoslavia Medal: Awarded for participating in the IFOR mission in ex-Yugoslavia.
- United Nations Service Medal for UNPROFOR: Another medal awarded for Bond's mission in ex-Yugoslavia.
- Rhodesia Medal: Awarded for at least 14 days of service during 'Operation AGILA' in 1979/1980. Bond most likely was a member of the Commonwealth Monitoring Force, keeping the peace in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).
- Parachute Badge with Wings (SBS): Awarded for completing HAHO & HALO jump training. Worn on Bond's right shoulder and indicating that he is a qualified SBS swimmer canoeist.
- Fleet Air Arm Officer Pilot Wings: Awarded for completing aviation training. Bond wears the 'wings' on the left wrist sleeve above his rank braids.
Behind the scenes[]
Brosnan first met James Bond films producer Albert R. Broccoli on the sets of For Your Eyes Only because his first wife, Cassandra Harris, was in the film. Broccoli said, "if he can act… he's my guy" to inherit the role of Bond from Roger Moore.[10] In 1982, Brosnan rose to popularity in the United States playing the title role in the NBC romantic detective series Remington Steele.[11] The Washington Post noted that same year that Brosnan "could make it as a young James Bond."[12]
In 1986, NBC cancelled Remington Steele and Brosnan was offered the role of 007, but the publicity revived Remington Steele and Brosnan had to decline the role, owing to his contract.[13] The producers instead hired Timothy Dalton for The Living Daylights (1987) and Licence to Kill (1989).[14] Legal squabbles between the Bond producers and the studio over distribution rights resulted in the cancellation of a proposed third Dalton film in 1991[15] and put the series on a hiatus for several years. On 7 June 1994, Brosnan was announced as the fifth actor to play Bond.[16]

Brosnan was signed for a three-film Bond deal with the option of a fourth. The first, 1995's GoldenEye, grossed US $350 million worldwide,[17] the fourth highest worldwide gross of any film in 1995,[18] making it the most successful Bond film since Moonraker, adjusted for inflation.[19] It holds a 78% Rotten tomato rating,[20] while Metacritic holds it at 65%.[21] In the Chicago Sun-Times, Roger Ebert gave the film 3 stars out of 4, and said Brosnan's Bond was "somehow more sensitive, more vulnerable, more psychologically complete" than the previous ones, also commenting on Bond's "loss of innocence" since previous films.[22] James Berardinelli described Brosnan as "a decided improvement over his immediate predecessor" with a "flair for wit to go along with his natural charm", but added that "fully one-quarter of Goldeneye is momentum-killing padding."[23]
Brosnan returned in 1997's Tomorrow Never Dies and 1999's The World Is Not Enough, which were also successful. In 2002, Brosnan appeared for his fourth and final time as Bond in Die Another Day, receiving mixed reviews but was a success at the box office. Brosnan himself subsequently criticised many aspects of his fourth Bond movie. During the promotion, he mentioned that he would like to continue his role as James Bond: "I'd like to do another, sure. Connery did six. Six would be a number, then never come back."[24]
Shortly after the release of Die Another Day, the media began questioning whether or not Brosnan would reprise the role for a fifth time. At that time, he was approaching his 50th birthday. Brosnan kept in mind that both fans and critics were unhappy with Roger Moore playing the role until he was 58, but he was receiving popular support from both critics and the franchise fanbase for a fifth installment. For this reason, he remained enthusiastic about reprising his role.[25] Throughout 2004, it was rumoured that negotiations had broken down between Brosnan and the producers to make way for a new and younger actor.[26] This was denied by MGM and EON Productions. In July 2004, Brosnan announced that he was quitting the role, stating "Bond is another lifetime, behind me".[27] In October 2004, Brosnan said he considered himself dismissed from the role.[28] Although Brosnan had been rumoured frequently as still in the running to play 007, he had denied it several times, and in February 2005 he posted on his website that he was finished with the role.[29] Daniel Craig took over the role on 14 October 2005.[30] In an interview with The Globe and Mail, Brosnan was asked what he thought of Daniel Craig as the new James Bond. He replied, "I'm looking forward to it like we're all looking forward to it. Daniel Craig is a great actor and he's going to do a fantastic job".[31] He reaffirmed this support in an interview to the International Herald Tribune, stating that "[Craig's] on his way to becoming a memorable Bond."[32] Brosnan's last performance as the character came with the 2004 video game (see below), Everything or Nothing, lending his likeness and voice to the character. The game featured an original story and was met with critical acclaim, many stating it the game felt more like a Bond film than Die Another Day did, and thus, is Brosnan's last performance as James Bond.
Video game appearances[]
During his tenure on the James Bond films, Brosnan also took part in multiple James Bond video games, starting with GoldenEye 007 (1997).
In 2002, Pierce Brosnan's likeness was used for James Bond in Nightfire, albeit voiced by Maxwell Caulfield, due to Brosnan filming Die Another Day.
Everything or Nothing[]

Promotional render of Pierce Brosnan as James Bond.
In 2003, Brosnan starred in the Bond game Everything or Nothing, set after Die Another Day. Brosnan was contracted for his likeness to be used as well as doing the voice-work for the character that time.[33] This would be the first time a leading Bond actor would provide his voice for a video-game adaptation. It also proved to be the last time Pierce Brosnan would play the role, subsequently being replaced by Daniel Craig, the latter of who has provided his voice to most James Bond games during his respective era.
James Bond (Pierce Brosnan)/Gallery
- In Tomorrow Never Dies, his naval awards include: Order of the British Empire (military division), Distinguished Service Cross, General Service Medal, United Nations Medal (UNTSO), South Atlantic Medal. That means this Bond at least served from the Falklands war onwards. These medals are different from the Roger Moore Bond in The Spy Who Loved Me.
- In Die Another Day, Bond's fake passport gives him the alias Alex Smith, states that he was born in London, England, and gives him a birthdate of May 6, 1960. This would mean that he is trying to pass off as being 42 years old, when it is assumed that he is much older. However, his actual passport gives him a birthdate of November 10, 1953, which would make him 49 in Die Another Day.
- Brosnan's portrayal of Bond is the first and so far only one to sport a full beard, as seen in Die Another Day.
- Brosnan's Bond was the first one to have a cellphone as a lethal gadget.
- Brosnan's Bond was the first one to surf, seen doing so twice in Die Another Day.
- Brosnan's Bond was the last to smoke overall, seen smoking a cigar in Die Another Day.
- Brosnan's Bond was the only one who was never shown holding a Walther PPK in the front cover of all the Ultimate Edition DVD versions of his outings. In the front image of GoldenEye, he was seen holding an automatic rifle (the only one in the Ultimate Edition series where Bond did so), and from Tomorrow Never Dies up to Die Another Day, he held a Walther P99.
- Brosnan's portrayal of Bond in Tomorrow Never Dies earned him the Saturn Award for Best Actor, making him the first Bond actor whose performance as the 007 agent was voted as a winner of an acting category in a particular major film award. Two years before his win at the Saturn, his performance in GoldenEye earned him the Saturn nomination for the same category. He would later be nominated again for his role in Die Another Day. The only other actor whose performance as Bond was recognized by a film awarding committee as a nominee in the leading role category is Daniel Craig, having been nominated twice in the category of Best Actor at the Saturn Award for his respective appearances in Casino Royale and Skyfall.
- Like George Lazenby's version, Brosnan's Bond was never seen travelling to the United States. However, unlike Lazenby's, he did directly interact with several American characters, including his CIA ally Jack Wade, Paris Carver, Christmas Jones and Jinx. Even in Tomorrow Never Dies, he is seen visiting a U.S. Air Base in Okinawa to return the stolen GPS encoder.
- Along with Lazenby's, Brosnan's Bond never crosses paths with Felix Leiter. Instead, he is shown aided by another CIA ally, the slightly comical Jack Wade. Meanwhile, Lazenby's Bond was never shown exchanging informations or updates with Leiter or any other CIA officials.
See also[]
- James Bond (Personality and Traits)
- GoldenEye
- Tomorrow Never Dies
- The World Is Not Enough
- Die Another Day
- GoldenEye 007 (1997 video game)
- 007: Agent Under Fire (video game)
- Nightfire (video game)
- Everything or Nothing
- James Bond (Toby Stephens)
External links[]
- ↑ Bond’s actual passport, ‘’see trivia’’
- ↑ (2002) 007 Spy Files #2 (Magazine), 007 Spy Files (in En-UK), London: GE Fabbri Ltd., p.14.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 (2002) 007 Spy Files #1 (Magazine), 007 Spy Files (in En-UK), London: GE Fabbri Ltd., p.14.
- ↑ Double-0 Stuntmen. The Man With the Golden Gun (Blu-Ray Edition): MGM Home Entertainment.
- ↑ Tim Bentinck Interview. mi6-hq.com (23rd September 2004). Retrieved on 07 January 2017.
- ↑ (1997). Tomorrow Never Dies (Blu-Ray). 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. Event occurs at 00:25:20. "Friday 11, April, 1997 Late Edition"
- ↑ (1999). The World Is Not Enough (Blu-Ray). 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. Event occurs at 00:23:53. "Receipt dated 15th November 1999"
- ↑ (2002). Die Another Day (Blu Ray). Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Event occurs at 00:40:47. "On his admission papers 1st March 2002, 8:00 a.m. is the time and date Mr J Krug was to be admitted to Clinica Alvarez."
- ↑ (2002). Die Another Day (Blu Ray). Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Event occurs at 00:46:40. "Jinx's clinic file has a date of 03.03.2002, presumably related to her therapy."
- ↑ Last, Kimberly (1996). "Pierce Brosnan's Long and Winding Road To Bond". 007 Magazine. Retrieved on 22 February 2007.
- ↑ Pierce Brosnan's personal site. Retrieved on 22 February 2007.
- ↑ Last, Kimberly (1996). "Pierce Brosnan's Long and Winding Road To Bond". 007 Magazine. Retrieved on 22 February 2007.
- ↑ Last, Kimberly (1996). "Pierce Brosnan's Long and Winding Road To Bond". 007 Magazine. Retrieved on 22 February 2007.
- ↑ (1998) When the Snow Melts:The Autobiography of Cubby Broccoli. London: Boxtree, 280–281. ISBN 978-0-7522-1162-6.
- ↑ Chapman, James (2000). Licence to Thrill: A Cultural History of the James Bond Films. New York City: Columbia University Press, 247. ISBN 9780231120487.
- ↑ Last, Kimberly (1996). "Pierce Brosnan's Long and Winding Road To Bond". 007 Magazine. Retrieved on 22 February 2007.
- ↑ GoldenEye. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved on 15 November 2006.
- ↑ 1995 Worldwide Grosses. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved on 24 November 2006.
- ↑ Box Office History for James Bond Movies. The Numbers. Nash Information Service. Retrieved on 18 October 2007.
- ↑ GoldenEye (1995). rottentomatoes.com. Retrieved on 16 November 2006.
- ↑ GoldenEye. metacritic.com. Retrieved on 24 November 2006.
- ↑ Roger Ebert. "GoldenEye", Chicago Sun-Times, 17 November 1995. Retrieved on 16 November 2006.
- ↑ James Berardinelli (1995). GoldenEye. reelviews.net. Retrieved on 16 November 2006.
- ↑ Nathon, Ian (2002-12). "Numero Uno (Die Another Day cover story)". Empire (162).
- ↑ "Brosnan uncertain over more Bond", BBC NEWS, 2 April 2004. Retrieved on 1 May 2011.
- ↑ "Is Brosnan too old to be 007?", Daily Mail, 9 February 2004. Retrieved on 22 February 2007.
- ↑ Rich, Joshua. "Bond No More", Entertainment Weekly, 27 July 2004. Retrieved on 22 February 2007.
- ↑ "Brosnan: No More 007", scifi.com, 14 October 2004. Retrieved on 22 February 2007.
- ↑ Brosnan, Pierce (2005-02). The Official Pierce Brosnan site. Retrieved on 13 September 2006.
- ↑ "Daniel Craig takes on 007 mantle", BBC NEWS, 14 October 2005. Retrieved on 22 February 2007.
- ↑ "Pierce Brosnan answers", Globe and Mail, 14 September 2006. Retrieved on 14 September 2006. Template:Archive link
- ↑ John Anderson. "A grittier Brosnan takes on riskier roles", International Herald Tribune, 22 January 2007.
- ↑ Everything or Nothing. EA Games. Retrieved on 22 February 2007.