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La Signorina del Mateo is a character in the James Bond film Moonraker. Signorina del Mateo is a henchwoman working for Hugo Drax, the main villain of the film, as one of his "perfect women". She is played by Chichinou Kaeppler.


La Signorina del Mateo was present with Mademoiselle Deladier on the pheasant hunt in the manor of Hugo Drax. They were introduced to Bond. Next she was seen on the secret base near the River Tapirapé and after Drax's Space Station. She was one of Drax's "perfect women" who are tasked with repopulating the human race. She likely died when the space station exploded.


  • La Signorina is scene partnered with Mademoiselle Deladier during their first appearances.

